Writing for Mooseclean’s

illustration: finklebottom

While we don’t typically go through contributors the way restaurants go through paper towels, we do nonetheless seek to add more writing staff on an ongoing basis.

Apparently, some people have families, jobs, and other unfortunate real world entanglements which prevent them from devoting themselves entirely to our plucky little publication. Given that we’re all unpaid and are doing this for fun and fame (infamy?) with the hope of future returns, morale tends to vary.

Anyway, if you’re still eager to write for “Canada’s Onion” (not our slogan, but readers on Twitter have described us this way)… we’ll work with you at your level of technical comfort.  A few writers here post their own stories along with pictures with only a cursory look required by the Editors. Others post stories but need a picture added and the category fields populated.  A few others send stuff entirely by email and we transfer and post on their behalf (under an account in their name). One dude drops files in his Dropbox and we pick them up as needed.  We’re nothing if not flexible.

So…. if you’d like to begin, contact us.  We’ll get you onboard, even if we have to make an account manually.

Alternately, you can email us stories and we will post them under your chosen name or alias.  Even under this arrangement, your rights over your material remain exclusively yours: we’re just here to make it easier to get published. Use the contact form to ask about journalism via email, or just send a story.  We’ll write back from our actual email address, and you can send stuff directly to us thereafter.

In any event, we’ll send info on how to use the software to post. It’s no harder than running a blog, but we do request that you post-date stories so the Editors have a chance to quality check and queue for publishing.