sluggish, tied up, slow, congested, heavy, lethargic, delayed, lagging, backed up, crawling, bumper-to-bumper, snarled, gridlocked, clogged, jammed, creeping, inching, bottlenecked, stalled, obstructed, impeded, hindered, bogged down, restricted, snagged, slowed to a trickle, choked

P.S. occasional wandering tangents, odd stories, weird anecdotes, and plugs for Area Resident still welcome. (We love you.)

By Cory Trevor

I'm too busy to write. Go away.

2 thought on “unOfficial Doug Hempstead Traffic Report Cheetsheet”
    1. Originally we were going to write this as the “unOfficial Doug Hempstead Traffic Report Drinking Game” where you’d take a shot every time he says “busy.” On further reflection, we decided to skew positive. He seems like a good guy. I get the biggest smile whenever Hallie Cotnam has to reign him in from a wandering segue.

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