My Answer: Pure Virgin Wool
Q: Numbers 31:32 states that: "These were the spoils which remained of the plunder taken by the fighting men: 675,000 sheep, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, and as for persons, 32,000…
The news, improved.
Q: Numbers 31:32 states that: "These were the spoils which remained of the plunder taken by the fighting men: 675,000 sheep, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, and as for persons, 32,000…
Q: Genesis 19 is really making me wonder if Lot was such a righteous man. I mean, God did save him from the destruction of Sodom, but on the whole…
Q: My brother caught me in bed with his wife. He is sterile, and doesn't believe that I was only trying to be a helpful sibling by impregnating her. Can…
Q: Genesis 16:8 seems to promote same-sex relations, infidelity, and partner abuse. Possibly BSDM. Am I reading it wrong? — S.C.
Q: Deuteronomy 28:53 tells us that "because of the dire straits to which you will be reduced when your enemy besieges you, you will eat your own children, the flesh…
Dear Readers: As Mr. Graham is now quite elderly and in poor health, he is occasionally given to frankness and blunt language that may seem uncharacteristic. Please forgive him, as…