(fotoloni, flickr)

Photo: Photoloni, flickr.

GRIMSBY—Earlier today Pat Grandall, 38, called his boss to say that he was too sad to work.

“The sun has shined for the final time, how can I find my way too work?” defended Grandall, in an e-mail he was apparently too distraught to proofread. His boss was livid, demanding that his employee “walk it off.” He also stressed that it’s “an incredibly important position to fill,” while admitting that he “definitely didn’t want HR to get involved.”

When asked if there was a specific reason for his sadness, Grandall stated it was “mostly existential.” After being asked for a doctor’s note or some form of proof, Grandall supplied a shocking receipt from the LCBO.

Though tonight they are one man short, the Taco Bell still rings.

By Matt Colella

Canadian comedy writer / comedian canady writer. Hit me up at [email protected] or 9055188685. Check out my Podcast "What You Sayin?", on iTunes. Check out my sketch comedy group, The Happy Elevator: www.facebook.com/thehappyelevator Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thehappyelevator

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