While a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, would Thanksgiving in another country cut the mustard? Here, a comparison of the holiday in Canada and its counterpart in the United States.
Canada: Celebrates the second Monday in October
USA: Celebrates the fourth Thursday in November
Canada: A three-day weekend likely spent enjoying the great outdoors.
USA: A four-day festival of food, football and shopping.
Canada: Traditional meal includes turkey, mashed turnip, potatoes, carrots, dessert, vintage wine.
USA: Traditional meal includes turkey (may or may not be deep fried), mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows, stuffing, gravy, no fewer than four pies, Cool Whip, ice cream, peas, cranberry sauce – canned or fresh, green bean casserole, a flat of beer. Food also includes snacks consumed during football games: Chex Mix, potato chips, dip, popcorn, salami, cheese, nachos, more beer.
Canada: Typical dinner attire is upscale and refined.
USA: Typical dinner attire is sweat pants and a shirt or jersey emblazoned with a football logo.
Canada: Dinner conversation revolves around the changing fall colors and hockey.
USA: Due to four straight days of non-stop college and professional football, dinner is eaten in front of the tv. Multiple sets ensure no play goes unwatched.
Canada: Local deals include sales on turkey.
USA: Stores open at midnight on Thanksgiving to welcome hoards of shoppers who have been waiting in line for hours. Door crasher deals are so good, people sometimes get trampled.
Canada: Thanksgiving is the gateway to fall and cooler weather.
USA: Thanksgiving kicks off a month-long frenzy of consumerism that includes Christmas shopping and eating to the point of torpor.
Canada: This event is shared with family and close friends.
USA: Guests may include, but are not limited to, family, neighbors, friends, roommates, the postal carrier and various strays.
Canada: Celebrates Thanksgiving in a modest, private way.
USA: Live broadcasts a three-hour long parade featuring music, performances and giant balloons.