TORONTO—Every February since 1986, a bright light has shone on the darkest part of the Canadian winter: Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim To Win contest. And now that this glorious time of year is winding down, I find myself at a loss.
As a Canadian, Tim Hortons is part of my genetic make-up. And as an Ontarian, seeing a Timmies is like coming home. But I feel cheated by the annual thumb-numbing prize fest. I’m certain that if I just had a few more weeks, a handful more chances to win, I could have walked away with one of 50 cars. Or a pre-paid Visa. Or at least more free coffee!
The contest itself doesn’t officially end until April 25. Or when supplies run out. And I’ve noticed that supplies are dwindling. I was crestfallen when served a REGULAR 50th ANNIVERSARY CUP last week. Now all my irrational hopes and dreams will be pinned solely on lotto tickets.
I’m saddened that it will be 2015 before I can again hand over the saliva-sodden rim of my take-out cup and feel the rush of receiving a free coffee or donut in return. And I know Maria, an employee at my local Tim’s, will miss my daily request of “make sure you give me a winner!” She always rolled her eyes in mock annoyance when I made the joke, but I know she looked forward to our Roll Up The Rim banter. I just know it.
But the thing that will haunt me more than sometimes choosing a medium over a large, skipping coffee that one Friday or going to an unfamiliar store on occasion is the cup at the bus station. I saw it, unrolled, in the bathroom garbage. Sure, it was sitting under a half-eaten sandwich and I would have had to stick my arm into a cesspool to retrieve it… but I could see the untouched rim through the flap in the trash can. I’m CERTAIN that cup was a winner. If I’m ever in that situation again, I will thrust my hand into the unknown and claim my prize!