OTTAWA—Interested in a fast-acting, quick metabolizing anti-depressant that can also result in some pretty rad hallucinations? Then get in line for some Ketamine.
“For reals?” asked surprised club DJ, Max Remix. “My doctor told me I got depressed cuz I took too much Vitamin K! And now you’re telling me he could prescribe it for my depression? That makes me want to remix some Alanis Morissette.”
But Mr. Remix may have to wait for approval in Canada, unless he can get into a clinical study at the University of Ottawa. “Right now, Ketamine is only approved for use in the U.S. to treat intractable cases of depression,” said Professor of Psychiatry Marianne Brunt. “But over a decade of positive trial results with this drug may result in its use outside our clinical studies. I mean, other than in late-night clubs. That is to say, in a legal and medically-sanctioned way.”
Ketamine was developed for use as an anesthetic in humans, and adapted for use on animals. Recreational users, who tend to snort a powdered form of the drug or take a pill, like Ketamine for its quick uptake and short-acting high.
Recovering addict Sarah R. initially encountered Super K at a rave. “My first hit, it was like meeting God. I saw colors I’d never seen before and heard the voice of my dead grandmother. And it wasn’t too scary because it wore off in a few hours. But then I fell down the K-hole, which is deeper than any ocean. I knew after that super dose I had to stop using.” Sarah R. is on probation for stealing the drug from her cat’s veterinarian.
Classified as a narcotic in Canada, Ketamine goes by many slang names including Ketaset, Jet, Super Acid, Green, Purple and LA Coke.
Photo: jf 1234, flickr.