Photo credit: The City of Toronto (flickr)

TORONTO—February has been the cruelest month for residents of Eastern Canada.  Record-breaking cold temperatures, chart-topping snowfall and storms galore made the shortest calendar month seem like the longest.  Mooseclean’s put a woman on the street to ask hardy Torontonians what they will NOT miss about last month.  So fuck you, February.  Here’s hoping March brings a kinder, gentler version of winter.

Andrea, social worker – It’s hard to choose between the burst pipes and grave-sized potholes.

Holly, television producer – Without a doubt, I am happy to see the end of the February commute.  Nothing compares to standing at a subway station in the icy wind and hearing service has been halted due to mechanical malfunction.

Jack, garbage collector – The snotsicles are my least favorite part of winter.  Like two slug tracks frozen into my beard, I won’t miss their salty residue.

Jane, teacher – The slip and fall save.  There’s nothing quite like gliding across an unshoveled sidewalk and executing a perfect pirouette to keep from wiping out.  And the resulting groin pull.

Doug, factory worker – I’m looking forward to eating a sandwich without fear of splitting my chapped lips.

Randy, bartender – Fogged up, frozen glasses.  It’s not fun walking into the bar and having to remove my glasses to be able to see.  And then being unable to see without my glasses.

Angela, librarian – I’m hoping that some time in the next month, I’ll be able to look in the mirror without being embarrassed about my wardrobe or hair.  When it’s frigid outside, style is warmth’s first victim.

By Molly Donovan

I grew up in the USA, but don't hold that against me because I'm also Canadian. Just think of me as the mole.

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