Photo: intheclinch, flickr

A new study by an independent marketing firm has discovered that 75% of the pay-per-view sales from the recent UFC 169 event were from people who thought they were ordering gay pornography.

“We’ve always known there was a cross-over market here, but we had no idea just how much the two demographics overlapped” said Lorenzo Fertitta, co-owner of the UFC.

The UFC, an organization in which semi-naked men attempt to beat other men into physical submission, has been controversial since it made it’s debut in 1993. There was a time in the late 90′s when it was considered too edgy for pay-per-view, although porn has always been available.

“I was a little disappointed when I realized I had purchased a sporting event, and not an erotic feature, but it did the job anyway” said one man, who asked his identity remain secret.

Other consumers are less forgiving, and blame the confusion on the UFC marketing strategy.  ”I mean, how could I have known what this was? The previews just showed tons of footage of greased up muscle dudes committing sado-masachistic acts against one another for up to 25 minutes at a time” said Ryan, an avid consumer of adult entertainment.

“I paid 70$ to watch people make love, not to see senseless violence” said another annoyed PPV customer.

The UFC say they have no intention of changing their format or advertising style in the future.

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