Photo: Alex Van Hamme
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield enjoyed the opportunity to meet Mooseclean’s writer Alex Van Hamme at a Chapters bookstore this weekend.
“He’s way nicer than I thought he would be,” said Hadfield. “He’d clearly been waiting in line for hours but was extremely polite to me when we met, and he knew my name,” he added.
Despite the initial excitement of the meeting, the encounter was not without its awkward moments.
“My goddamn photographer messed it all up,” Hadfield admitted. “I had one chance to get a picture with Alex Van Hamme and they couldn’t even get one of him facing the friggin’ camera with me. I sat here for hours signing books, waiting for him to make it to the front of the line, and when he finally got here the whole encounter was so rushed I didn’t even have time to personalize the books for him” he added in frustration.
Alex is believed to have been at the mall from approximately 1 pm to 4:30 pm last Saturday. It is hoped he may make another appearance in the near future if a reasonably popular celebrity stops by for a book signing.