Wynne on Ford: ‘Fess up, smoke up, drop out’
TORONTO—Premier Kathleen Wynne is tired of Rob Ford's fat boy frat boy brand of politics, if her latest statement is any indication. "I'm tired of Rob Ford's fat boy frat…
Duffy, Ford considering charity wrestling to improve images
OTTAWA—Reports are surfacing that in an attempt to mutually boost their tarnished images, ex-Tory Mike Duffy and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford are in talks to wrestle at a public fundraiser…
Veganism as environmentally harmful as meat production, scientists prove
KEMPTVILLE, Ontario—Farting and belching by vegans is a key contributor to global warming problems, extinction of earth species, and a worldwide suicide epidemic involving Angus Beef cattle suffering from feelings…
Litterasee is on deekline, expurtz say
ODDAWA—Akording 2 a survay conduckted by the Ontaireeoh Ministree uv Edyookayshun, Ingglish litter a see among collige gradyooits has deeklined dramaticklee in the past 10 yeers. Onlee 31 per sent…
Nut shortages, clearcutting causing unrest: squirrel race war imminent
VANCOUVER—The clear-cutting of vast numbers of oaks and other trees for the manufacture of beverage coasters, gear shift knobs, gourmet toothpicks, and other products vital to the stability of the…